Fashion Accessories Collingwood

Gregory Ladner Australia

144 Langridge St
3066 Collingwood
(03) 9419 9433


Gregory Ladner Australia can be found at 144 Langridge St . The following is offered: Fashion Accessories - In Collingwood there are 4 other Fashion Accessories. An overview can be found here.


1 Reviews, in average 1 Stars

Anonymous wrote on 11-05-2011

Beware of poor quality with this brand

I bought two garments online. They arrived nicely packaged but turned out to be unimaginably poor in the quality of the fabric and stitching. It was clearly thrown together in some third world sweat shop by someone who didn't know the basics of tailoring. The backing was left on the embroidery and started to come away while being handwashed, the stitching was frayed and the hems were not overlocked and were frayed, and in some places the garment had accidentally been folded over and double stitched. This crowd should be ashamed to be a "brand" - this is the worst quality clothing I have ever purchased.


Fashion Accessories
(03)94199433 (03)-9419-9433 +61394199433

Map 144 Langridge St